Awareness On Maternal Child Health Programmes

The importance of health education has been increasingly realized during the last three decades so much that health education has emerged as a specialty in itself. Awareness is one of the most important aspects in early detection of diseases. Empowering the mothers and the community on the common diseases, appropriate child rearing practices, and availability of resources, can help them in decision-making and better bring up the children which will, in turn, affect the health, well-being, and overall development of the children.

Project cost includes -activities of community awareness & coordination cost for staff for facilitating the project.


The aim of this project is to bring about a change in the health behavior of the people in such a manner that the harmful health practices are given up while good ones are reinforced.

Primary Objectives

  • To Improve the awareness on health and hygiene.
  • To bring about a change in health behaviour of the people.


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