Sustainable Environment

Environmental sustainability is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, now and in the future.

Setting up Nutri Garden & Herbal Garden

As per AYUSH guidelines, herbal gardens are set at PHCs. Setting up of the herbal garden is to improve resource divergence by identifying the…
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commonly available herbs and utilizing it to the economic benefit of the community. The kitchen gardens are set up integrating solid and liquid waste management. The solid waste generated within the campus is converted into manure and is used for the plants. Both kitchen garden and herbal garden are a way to effectively manage the available resources in the society and utilize it for the development of the community.


One of the key focus areas is to set up kitchen gardens at the educational institutions, anganwadis, ICDS centers, primary health centers and all the government facilities utilizing the bare lands in the vicinity. Herbal gardens will be set 

Primary objectives
  • Promote safe food consumption
  • Sensitize and motivate the community to use their bare lands for kitchen garden through this knowledge transfer
Secondary objectives
  • Convert bare lands into green cover
  • Control pollution
  • Enhance ambience
  • Protect children from poisonous insects by removing the bushes
  • The safe poison free harvest can be used for children in the anganwadi centers and schools through Noon meal programme

Solid Waste Management

The increasing industrialization and fast growth do not only pose problems related to the allocation of resources and powers…
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but also severely challenges the natural environment. Environmental degradation such as contaminated water, sinking groundwater levels, unhealthy soils, and polluted air has become a harsh reality in many parts of India. It created an unpleasant environment situation because of the improper disposal. Waste management is considered an important initiative by the government to rehabilitate the safety and well-being of the environment. Thus, in response, Ekam proposes to set up a proper and systematic garbage collection and segregation procedures. It can also practice recycling or designate waste collection teams which would dispose „unusable garbage‟. This project is in line with the Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee (VHSNC) is one of the major initiatives under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).


To sensitize the community and members of the VHSNC and activate the same in villages to ensure sanitation and hygiene in the community.

Primary objectives
  • To manage the waste water/solid waste.
  • To improve the sanitation in villages.
Secondary objectives
  • To ensure the cleaning environment.
  • To make sure the volunteers engaged in the activities.

Improvement of sanitation in villages

To sensitize the community and members of the VHSNC and activate the same in villages to ensure sanitation and hygiene in the community….

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