Farmer Training
Organic farming reduces dependency on external inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Instead they are produced from cow dung, biomass, beneficial herbs and leaves. Dependence on expensive inputs purchased from outside leads to financial distress of farmers.
Close and continuous contact with agricultural poisons makes farmers more susceptible to cancer, respiratory problems, and other major diseases. India‟s farmers are exposed to numerous pesticides that are banned in developed countries. Many farmers turn to organic methods after experiencing the ill-effects of pesticides. Studies have shown some of the pesticides induce suicidal tendencies. Traditional seeds developed by Indian farmers are naturally pest-resistant, nutritious and suited to local conditions. Chemical farming promotes the use of Hybrid non-native seeds. Organic standards do not allow any genetically modified seeds and inputs. Ensuring natural farming promotes biodiversity. Natural farms will have a buzz of animal, bird and insect activity. Native plants and birds return usually after the first season of organic practices.
Project cost includes -activities of training & coordination cost for staff for facilitating the project.
The aim of the program is to train the farmers in natural farming, effects of pesticides and chemical fertilizer, conservation of water, etc.
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