Vaccinations should begin early in an infant’s life and continue regularly throughout childhood and adolescence, to protect from diseases. Immune defenses keep us protected from harmful disease-causing bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Diseases (caused due to lack of vaccination) can be severe – even deadly – mainly for infants and young children.
Measles and Whooping cough are examples of how vaccine-preventable severe diseases could be. Measles is still a common disease in many parts of the world. It can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and even death. Children are at the highest risk of complications, which, in severe cases, can cause death.
Benefits of Vaccination—
It is the first line of defense for every human. Vaccination is a process by which a person is made disease resistant with the help of vaccines. It stimulates the immune system, improving one’s health. Vaccines work with the baby’s natural defenses to help them safely build immunity to deadly diseases. Vaccines are a valid medical advancement that continues to save lives every day. They keep other children safe by eliminating or decreasing dangerous conditions that can quickly spread from one child to the other.
During and after pregnancy, the mother and her baby have a feeble immune system making them susceptible to diseases. Therefore, they must receive regular vaccines to keep their immunity up.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can occur between 2-4 months. These vaccines protect the mother and child from underlying illnesses like cough, cold, and fever to life-threatening diseases like hepatitis, measles, polio, mumps, tetanus and even diphtheria. Infant mortality in India is still at a shocking high – simple schedule of vaccination, however, can make a world of difference.
Studies show that following an immunization schedule, prevents about four million deaths every year, WHO states that available vaccines can prevent 20% of infant deaths annually.
Keeping track of immunizations
Most of the child’s vaccinations are completed between birth to 6 years. Some vaccines are given more than once, at different ages, and in combinations. Keep a careful record of your child’s shots.
Studies show that about two-thirds of preschool children are missing at least one routine vaccination. Therefore, it is imperative to make up for the missed immunizations.
We, as a community, can strengthen the foundation of a healthy childhood by supporting easy access to immunization where it matters the most.
Our team at EKAM Foundation can help with education about the right immunization schedule.
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